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Monday, November 21, 2022

White Art Supplies I use for Colored Pencils and Drawing

These are the whites that I use to make my colored pencil artwork.

I use these for highlights, backlighting, and fixing errors.
Left to right:
1. Simple plastic eraser. Removes most of the pigment on the paper. Staedler Mars Brand.
2. Prismacolor white. The most opaque white pencil I've come across yet, by far out of my 8 whites. Used for brightest highlights in *some* drawings. Can desaturate colors though.
3. Uniball Signo 0.7mm or 1.0mm. Opaque white gel pen. Doesnt wipe off.
4. Sakura Gellyroll 08. I think 0.7mm tip also. Slightly less opaque but cheap and good. Doesnt wipe off.
5. FW acrylic ink by Daler Rowney. Used with a brush or dip pen fairly good for less opaque highlights. Takes time to dry.
6. Uni Posca White 2.5mm. Acrylic marker. Fairly opaque, rarely used unless I want to correct mistakes and contour a drawing. If you want to use it for fine lines, I suggest you get their 1.0mm to 1.5mm tipped marker. Doesnt wipe off.