JTPhillips Illustration and Crafts at Etsy


Monday, March 30, 2015

Quick sketch before I go to bed.

Quick sketch in photoshop before I go to bed.
In photoshop. Eh. I may work on it more or not.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Art WIP, and Adding lace to things

Hello again people!

I added lace to some fabric gift bags lying around. I have some women's handkerchiefs, from my mother, she found them lying around. I so far have crocheted on them, I mean to one day knit an edging onto another, but other projects have interrupted this!
Making tiny, dainty things takes so long.

What would be interesting would be to add lace to the glasses cleaning cloth.
Why? Because it is possible!

Anyway... More drawing and knitting.

Cross Posted from my tumblr account here. http://murasakinoryuu.tumblr.com/