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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

New Painting day!

I just finished a painting for  a possible gallery show at the Limner-Slow Art gallery in Hudson, NY.
Whee. Lets see if I will be in it. However, if anything, I'm proud I finished this piece, and it came out looking 'mighty fine'. Hhahahah.

This is essentially what it looks like. I need to take it outside and take a better picture of it. Oooh I really want a studio where I can set up lighting for photographs...

I am going to touch it up a bit but this is what it looks like.

Now to start a new painting!
I also have some unfinished acrylic paintings I need to work on...
Ugh.... but oil painting is fun! I still have the... unfortunate idea that oil painting takes a while to finish each stage. It takes SO long to dry. I took this photo a few days ago and its still drying...
I think I want to write a post in the future comparing and contrasting acrylic painting and oil painting. Just my thoughts on it for my own process.


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