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Friday, April 30, 2010

Technology age and Print, Part 1

Part 1:

I should be finishing my diff eq homework. But I am listening to NPR streaming. It is not bad but it isn't the best replacement for npr on the radio. I miss waking up gently to news stories with soft, british and foreign accented voices.

Print media is slowly phasing out with the onslaught of digital print. I for one would still purchase new and antique books.

But with this age of convenience, what happens when your device breaks? Or the company goes out of business, or whatever? You run out of memory?
I for one do not trust digital portable devices to keep my data safe forever. Print books can keep them safest longest. Because you never know when your storage device will decide it doesn't want to be compatible or listen to your player anymore.

I experienced this with floppy. Several times for papers. Twice, when the disc got physically stuck in the drive. A few more times when the computers suggested I reformat the drive to read the document. And a few more times when there were virus scares.

And my flash drives. There's a beautiful black one I have, 2 gig, made by cruzer. Had to go on another computer and transfer off my files, because
Another flash drive, 1gig, started bending and I was afraid it would break, and the data would be trapped on it.

You also lose a lot of traditional jobs from writer to reader. What about the publishers, and printers, and editors, and the people who work in the bookstores.
With the coming of technology also comes further desocialization. You don't have to go to the bookstore and interact with someone in order to purchase a book. You can just point and click. I fear that these simple interactions might become frivolous soon enough.

They are talking about copyright and electronic rights and publishers now.

I need to finish this work before 4pm. Last diff eq homework.... wanna do well. It's getting really tedious. 3x3 matrix determinants??? Really?? And matlab doesn't understand finding the determinant of 3x3 matrix that involves lambdas. UUUUUGGGH.

Anyway gonna run off and finish now. Might post more later.

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